Friday, June 16, 2006

Yes I am a blog slacker!!!

I am very naughty for not posting in such a long time. Jessica thanks for reminding me again!! You can see why I never had a diary, I would start it, I would post for a week, and then would forget all about it!

I can't believe it, but I will be 16 weeks in 2 days! 170ish days to go.

I have to have a blood test next week to check for all these yucky things, HIV, HEP B, HEP C, Syphllis, Spina bifida etc I am such a worry wart, I think what if I have something and don't know it?? I am sure they will be taking lots of vials of my blood, I should be use to it by now I guess!

Belly is getting bigger, people comment that I look much bigger than I am, oh well, hope I don't grow to much for a little while. I have taken some pics, but I think I look fat rather than pregnant, so decided not to post one until I clearly look PG!! Vain of me I know he he he ...

Work is getting really busy, for the next release of our project, so the long hours are about to start, I don't know how I am going to handle it, I am so tired by the afternoons, 12 hour days just don't appeal to me!! I have to think that hopefully i will no longer be working after September, as I should be getting retrenched! YAY! (retrenchment is when you are no longer required for your job, so they finish you up, with a huge payout (5 weeks pay for the 1st year of work, and 3 weeks for every year after that you have worked for them, plus any annual leave and Long service leave (after working 10 years for a company they give you a weeks leave every you have worked for them, on top of your normal 4 weeks leave a year)) So, I have been there nearly 14 years, so I will get approx. $80K (AUD) after tax! :o) You can see why I want it know, it will set us up financially for me not to have to go back to work, other than working for Mark for quite a while!

I have been a bit teary the last few weeks, guess it is pregnancy hormones! ! I had a huge fight with Mark last week, I felt like he was not supporting me at all in this pregnancy. He is not one to every give sympathy, it is just how he is, I am use to that, but I do need support. A "how are you feeling?" would not hurt occassionally! Anyway, I had it out with him, had a cry, and he has been better. Sometimes he just needs a whack in the head! LOL I don't think he had the bond I have with the baby that I have. I love it, and feel protective for it already, I don't think he feels that way yet. Hopefully once he feels it move, he will develop that bond.

I think I may have started to feel it move, but will give it a few more weeks to really believe it is my little bub kicking!

Having a quiet weekend this weekend. So better go and start enjoying it.

Jess - a big kiss to ME, and hope she is back to her normal self soon!!

Over and out for now ...

I will try and be a better poster! oh, and here is the last scan, I am sure most of you have seen it, but thought I would post it here!


Jessica said...

It's my job to keep you going with this blog. You'll thank me after the baby is here and you have something to look back on and cherish. It's great to read back on all your exciting feelings and emotions.
Don't ya love all the blood they take! And I know how you feel about feeling just fat and not pregnant. However after seeing your belly shot- you look better than me when I'm NOT pg!
WOW that's some huge pay out!!!!!!!! I want that!!!!

And btw- Men are always obvlivious!

Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.