Monday, March 20, 2006

Are we there yet??

mmmm today was a tiring today.

I was awake at 5am with the dog barking, Mark slept through it as usual! I then couldn't get back to sleep, I had to be up at 5.50am anyway, to get to the Clinic, for my blood test and HCG booster, and be at work by 8.30am

Fortunately Sydney Buses were on time! (VERY UNUSUAL!) and all was done in time

I got my Progestrone Test back this afternoon, I Have definitely Ovulated! yay! It was 53.8. I did a bit of research, (As I do!) and found that a level over 20-25 indicates ovulations, so I have to be happy with that. :o)

I am absolutely exhausted today, don't know whether it is the long hours of late, I worked till 9pm Friday night, and all day Saturday, it was really stressed as well, it was the 3rd Release of our Project, and all the Managers were hoovering around all the time saying 'have you finished yet?' NO I WILL TELL YOU WHEN I HAVE FINISHED! I threatened my immediate boss with a sharp pencil if he didn't leave me alone, standing over me DOES NOT make me work faster LOL. I don't think all the hormones help the situation.

My boobs are killing me, it has been hard to sleep, cause I usually sleep on my side or front, and when I roll over, I squash my boobs, and they kill. I though the HCG would have been out of my system by Sunday (8 days since the trigger shot), Hoping it is a sign that I am pregnant, even if it probably is a little to early, the little eggie will probably only be nestling in now if it fertilised.

Ok, over and out fortonight, I think it will be an early one!


Anonymous said...

Hi Bec

Well done. I hope you get up the blog. I don't have one of these...Well I do, but I never seem to get time to post in them.

Don't you just hate those types of boss' who things standing over you will help you go faster. *rolling eyes*

dawn said...

Yeah on the ovulating!!!!! That is great. Don't you hate when people don't leave you alone when trying to work. I hope you have a better week this week.


Jessica said...

YAY - your progesterone number is fabulous. With a number like that it's no wonder that your boobs hurt! I hope there's an eggie (or two) nesting in nicely. Sending some *Implant Vibes* your way.

ARGH on your managers hoovering... I know I make more mistakes and work so much slower when I feel pressured. :rolleyes:

Anonymous said...

Bec....I'm thinking of you in this nervous time! It's SOOOO your turn!!!

Love ya!
